Fairhope Cottage S-L-O-W-L-Y coming along

The cottage (as I insist on calling it) is officially our third flip. And it’s been the slowest by far.

We got overly ambitious with this one — and yeh. We’re learning.


We’re waiting for an inspection this week and then hopefully the brick will be painted soon!


They may be older…

But I still get to make them cookies for school events now and again.


Tori is taking a bag to a potluck for clinicals.

Tom is taking a bag to Southwind camp this weekend.

TJ is taking a bag to Auburn tomorrow for E-Day. (Road trips do require snacks after all!)

Yay for baking for the kiddos.


Chicken update

There might be more to life than chickens — but right now they amuse the heck outta me.

The heck, I say!

Today I was laughing at Tori dragging TJ and his buddy outside so they meet her chicken, Pig.



Well, and the other girls…







And Hermione


The colored eggs continue to just amaze me. The colors are so pretty!


They are pretty dang tasty as well.

Thanks for my chickens, Eric. Best. Gift. EVER.


Coffee with the ladies.

This morning I got up, slipped on my chicken shoes (I’ll need boots sooner than later — holy HELL they poop a LOT!) and went to feed the ladies. After telling them good morning and changing their water — I sat down to have my coffee with them. (Thanks for bringing me coffee, Eric — you are my hero!)

It was fun to start figuring out their personalities.

Their names are all Harry Potter themed because I’m a dork. And it makes me happy.


The white one is Hedwig as I mentioned earlier. She’s the top hen in the pecking order.

The beautiful tan and gray one eating in the above photo is Professor McGonagall. I opened the nest box hatch as she was laying an egg today… so we’re now on a first name basis — Minerva.

We also have: Hermione, Ginny and Pig. Tori always wanted a pig — I finally got her one. (Yes, Pig is still Harry Potter themed — Ron had a bitty hyper owl named Pigwidgeon. They called him ‘Pig’ for short.)

Beaux is curious about everything — but the ladies run to roost if he comes near their home.

Beaux… is not impressed.


Today was only two eggs. Given the extreme stress they were under yesterday – fair enough. I was still excited to have them.

Chickens. I have chickens!